Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers Response

Sister Flowers Response    Kyle Conger

4. Write about your hometown, Explaining how it shaped your view of yourself and/or your world?

        I was raised here in St. Joe which for the most part I guess was pretty modern. I never really saw racism in my childhood. So I never really thought there was a difference in race. In St. Joe everybody lived side by side. Or as far as I saw it. It shaped my view to realize that that everybody is the same. If everybody would stop racism and work toghether in our lives and community who knows how much progress the world would make. But, unfortunately that’s not the case and it’s been thousands of years and they havent figured it out yet so, I wouldn’t hold my breath. It is so weird to me that with every culture and etchnicty make the scientific and medical breakthrews and achievements that if everybody worked together we could progress twice as fast. I guess my view of myself and my world are that I will never descriminate against anybody for any reason. Hopefully the way I live could help inspire somebody to the fact that everybody is equal. Even though I do not descriminate it doesn’t mean I am not ignorant. I still know little about other cultures and it wouldn’t hurt me to learn more about other cultures. It is my own falt I am sire if I would just take the time and ask somebody from another culture the questions I have they would surely ansewer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyle,

    Thank you for sharing. What you have chosen to discuss, racism and discrimination, is a difficult topic to discuss. Unfortunately, racism is something we may never overcome. Society perpetuates it. For instance, if you were raised in an environment where you were taught that all Muslims are terrorists and are an enemy to God, this will be your firsthand account of Muslims. From then on, any Muslim you meet, this is what will come to mind. This thought process will continue unless you choose to educate yourself on this matter. Unfortunately, many Americans fail to do so--only accepting what has been taught to them their entire lives.

    Ms. C
