Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Task Two Questions response

·        How important was getting you education to you?
·        How important was your education in those days?
·        What did education mean to you as a person?
·        If you could go back in time and change the way you did things? What would you change and why?
·        Could you go out without an education in those days and find a good job?
·        How good of a job could you find without education?

I haven’t actually done my interview yet but, I am hoping to get it done within the next few days. The person I am interviewing for this task paper in my Grandmother. I choose her because she is eighty three years old and had a chance to live in a time when education was not as important. My goal is to see for myself what education actually did mean from a person who actually experienced it and not know what I just learned.

                    I want to see how important education is to her personally to kind of get an idea of the point of view I will receive on my next questions. It will kind of give me a feel for how the other questions are gonna come out. I want to know how important it was to other people to see if that had any influence on the decisions she made. I want to know what education meant to her to compare the importance with the decisions she made personally.
I want to know if she is happy with her choices or if she would change things. Pretty much the basic stuff for my first five. My next ones will get better.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Response A partial remembrance of a Puerto Rican childhood

1.    Why are the cuentos in Cofer’s memoir particulary women’s stories? What would be the equivalent of these cuentos for the boys in the family? Who would tell them?
Because the enviroment she was raised in was listening to her mother and the other adult women sitting around telling there stories of the men around there and what they did. The stories she told of some of the things men would come to the town with intensions of doing. They told of men who would come to town get a job with no intention of staying in that location. They didn’t take it seriously and were only there to seduce the women and basically show every intention of marring the and then just dissappering. It was not uncommon for a man to have two or three families around the island.
I am not totally sure about this because of my lack of being able to understand the word cuentos. But, the way I would imagine it is much like for the girls through the tellings of the males in the family. I believe the stories would be passed down much in the same fashion as for the girls. My personal feelings on it are things were really unfair for the girls. The guys really didn’t care about the effects of what they did to the women. They talked about arrangements of pre determination for the smart and beautiful girls. That seems like a really unfair and inconsiderate arrangement to be involved in. Maybe you have to be in there culture to understand.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers Response

Sister Flowers Response    Kyle Conger

4. Write about your hometown, Explaining how it shaped your view of yourself and/or your world?

        I was raised here in St. Joe which for the most part I guess was pretty modern. I never really saw racism in my childhood. So I never really thought there was a difference in race. In St. Joe everybody lived side by side. Or as far as I saw it. It shaped my view to realize that that everybody is the same. If everybody would stop racism and work toghether in our lives and community who knows how much progress the world would make. But, unfortunately that’s not the case and it’s been thousands of years and they havent figured it out yet so, I wouldn’t hold my breath. It is so weird to me that with every culture and etchnicty make the scientific and medical breakthrews and achievements that if everybody worked together we could progress twice as fast. I guess my view of myself and my world are that I will never descriminate against anybody for any reason. Hopefully the way I live could help inspire somebody to the fact that everybody is equal. Even though I do not descriminate it doesn’t mean I am not ignorant. I still know little about other cultures and it wouldn’t hurt me to learn more about other cultures. It is my own falt I am sire if I would just take the time and ask somebody from another culture the questions I have they would surely ansewer.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Task Two Reponse

Ø  Why are you interested in these subjects?
Ø  What makes him/her interesting and unique?
Ø  What sort of questions would you ask and why?
Ø  What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
Ø  What do you anticipate? Why?
Ø  What questions do you have for Task Two?
I find  this subject interesting because, to hear the way things where back then compared to now. It is suprising to hear how different things were. I choose to write about my grandmother. She was born in 1927 and im sure things were much different back then. The things she has seen over the years is why i find her unique. I would ask what education meant to the majority if the people. How hard was it to find work without education. Hopefully she can remeber things back then clear and accurate. I think i will really enjoy this writing and am very excited to do it. The only question i have is i am not clear on the requirements.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Becoming a Chicano Reflection

My racial identity is i guess just white. I can't say that i have ever had an instance where i was descriminated against because of my race and i couldn't imagine how that would feel. I can't say that i relate because, i have never been in that situation. I could only imagine it would be a terrible feeling to be treated differently because of your race.

Colored Me Reflection

3. Even though racism was all around her in every day life she didn't let it bother her or get her down even though she was the granddaughter of slaves it didn't make her angry or depressed.  I don't agree with racial discrimination it's not right to dislike somebody over something a petty as skin color.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rite if Passage Journal

1.What do you remeber of your own grandparent or another elderly person of importantance to your family?

       My grandma Dorothy or Dot  for short. She has always been there for me. And always tried to instill strong morals in me. She has always helped my family and I with any problem we had at hand. If i have a major problem in my life she always is there for me and helps in whatever way she can. She was always there to watch me playfootball or support me in my racing. She even helped me buy me books for school this year cause, my financial aid is taking for ever. She is getting older though, She is 83 now and wont be around much longer. I don't know what I will do when I loose her.

Task One Idea

For task one the siutation that I think was the most life changing for me was about two years ago I had a seven year old cousin that passed away from cancer. It really killed me for something like that to happen to somebody so young who never got to experience life at all. It seemed so unfair. It really changed the way i look at life and live it. It opened my eyes to the fact death can happen to anybody no matter what age you are. I knew that death could come at anytime but, I guess you could say I was just ignorant to the fact that it can. This will be a hard subject for me to write about but, I can do it. It has been long enough that I am strong enough to do this now. I choose this topic for the fact that it dramatically changed my whole perspective on life. Pitty things that I used to let bother me or get me down I now realize life is too short to let them. I anticapate and hope maybe somebody will read my paper that looks at life the way i used to and it can change there perspective on it. Because, its very hard realizing it the way i had to. The questions i have are. What material should I focus on the most? What kind of details do I need to put in this paper?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I am Kyle Conger I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Saint Joseph, MO. My major is in Business Administration. I am a freshmen this year. I tried just going out into the world with just my high school education and found out its a lot harder to find a good job without proper education than you would think. After a bunch of lousy dead end jobs with low wages I decided I was headed in the wrong direction in life and the only way to change it and get a job i want was to further my education. I am a middle child, I have an older brother and a younger sister.

I like to hang out with my friends and I am very close to my family. I am a very family oriented person. I like fast cars i love to work on cars. I have a 95 turbo eclipse i have done a lot of custom work on. It is just something i enjoy. My family has a dirt track racing team. And that is something i have done since i can remeber. When i was 12 years old i won the missouri state points championship in my class on a dirt racing go kart. That was a big moment in my life.

My favorite place is New Orleans, LA because i have been to mardi graw and it was one of the funniest times i have ever had. If you havent been i reccommend you go.